The Benefits And Challenges Of Employee Remote Work

Internet connection and a good digital workplace platform means employees have access to all the apps they need to do their work. A Stanford study found that remote workers were more productive because they were not distracted by office disruptions or long commutes and actually took fewer sick days and shorter breaks. Additionally, remote workers had higher job satisfaction, which led to a 50% reduction in how companies benefit when employees work remotely attrition rates. The cherry on top was a savings of nearly $2,000 per employee in overhead costs by reducing the amount of office space needed at HQ. Remote workers have the potential to save more money over the course of the year. They don’t have to spend money on their commute, may not have as much wear and tear on their vehicle, and may be able to reduce spending on work clothes and other essentials.

  • Virtual work can also provide opportunities for individuals with disabilities or caregiving responsibilities to participate in the workforce.
  • When asked why, many cited fewer interruptions and quiet work environments (68% for both) as part of the reason for their increased productivity.
  • Remote teams enable businesses to rent smaller office spaces — or even move to a remote, cloud-based operation completely.
  • Many job seekers want to work from home without compromising on perks such as income stability, employee benefits, or fear of self-employment tax.

All these things are subtle factors that negatively impact employee productivity. In fact, 54% of recruiters have seen a candidate say no to an offer of an interview or job because it lacked flexibility or remote work options. Many of the examiners also benefited financially by bringing their Greater Washington, DC, salaries to less costly regions, effectively increasing their real incomes.

My Top 10 Tips To Be A Successful Remote Worker

People are spending 252% more time in meetings than they were before the remote work transition, according to Microsoft’s New Future of Work report. But there is great potential to improve productivity by reducing this time commitment while ensuring people do not miss anything important. Enter, asynchronous remote work and the ability to participate without full attendance. Imagine waking up on a Monday morning, sipping your coffee, and beginning your workday from the comfort of your home.

  • They can personalize their workspace with decorations, lighting, and furniture that suit their taste.
  • This gives them a better chance of finding the best possible candidates for the job, thus improving the workforce quality.
  • Personal life stress is one of the main culprits for a low day-to-day engagement at work.
  • When employees work from home, employers can save on office space expenses, including rent, utilities, supplies, and maintenance.
  • Childcare costs can also reduce with remote working, as parents can spend more time at home (although we don’t advise working with young children around!).
  • For people in crowded areas where many others also work from home — such as apartment complexes and densely packed cities — slow speeds, buffering, and poor audio and video connections are common.
  • One huge benefit that even the employers avail from this option is that they can hire a remote worker from across the globe.

If asynchronous work is appropriate, organizations can even extend operations beyond a typical 9 to 5 workday. Flexible working hours can be a godsend to employees who are night owls, or to those who have small children. This freedom is invaluable for companies looking to stretch their working hours with a limited staff. It is also an attractive benefit that enables employers to draw from a deeper candidate pool in the hiring process. Team members can keep in touch through a modern company intranet, so it’s as if they’re in the office anyway.

Flexibility in Work Hours and Location

Most of her duties are done by email and communication apps such as Boxer, Slack, and Zoom. The future of work, post-Covid 19, is likely to be even more remote-friendly, with more companies offering flexible working arrangements and employees valuing the freedom of working remotely. When you work remotely, you can choose the schedule that works best for you.

  • That’s a recipe for long-term physical ailments such as muscle strains, and lower back injuries.
  • While early predictions suggested that this new trend was a passing fad likely to end with the pandemic, it’s now clear that remote work is here to stay.
  • Even though many employers are concerned about the potential lack of productivity of remote workers, the majority of them actually find the contrary to be true.
  • Employers now understand the benefits of having their staff operating remotely as many see productivity increase or expenses fall.

It allows them to adapt their work schedule based on the requirements of their health condition, even if those conditions are unpredictable, as some chronic illnesses are. And the more employees there are in one space, the harder it is to get those factors right for everyone. Businesses have had to revisit what it means to be a remote-first company to survive the modern world.

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